DiskDigger Recovery Your Photos & Videos Aplication
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DiskDigger can recover deleted files from most types of media that your computer can read: hard disks, USB flash drives, memory cards, CDs, DVDs and floppy disks. While it is not possible to scan a microSD card directly without first transferring the data into your personal computer first, you can also use DiskDigger for Android to recover data from an Android device using a microSD card.
DiskDigger has two modes of operation which you can switch to every time you perform a scan. The first option is called “dig deep” and the second one is called “dig deeper.” Here is a list of features for each mode:
DiskDigger has two modes of operation which you can select every time you scan a disk. These modes are called “dig deep” and “dig deeper.” Here is a quick list of features for each mode:
DiskDigger offers two modes of operation for its scans but both can be executed at the same time. Each mode has a list of specific features that make them unique from each other and helpful in different situations.
Dig Deep
Undelete files from FAT (FAT12, FAT16, FAT32), NTFS, and exFAT partitions.
Recover any type of file.
Filter recoverable files by name and size.
Sort recoverable files by name, size, date, and directory.
Wanna see what’s lurking on your old hard drive? DiskDigger gives you an inside look. Test the waters (or trash, if that old drive got tossed)! You’ll uncover deleted files and recover lost data for free with DiskDigger.
DiskDigger is a tool that can scan your computer or other devices to help you recover important photos. DiskDigger allows you to search for and recover deleted photos, music and video taken from digital camera memory cards of many cameras like Nikon and Canon.
During startup, I used to be a Windows engineer and thanks to the storage technology at that time I ended up with a huge number of files on my hard drive.
DiskDigger is a tool that recovers your accidentally deleted files. It also provides you with the ability to recover all of your other old files, seeing that they are no longer being used by any application(s) running on your computer. DiskDigger scans all unused disk space as well as any device connected to your PC for pending file entries which can be restored.
Are you looking for the ultimate in data security and backup solutions to protect your memories, photos and videos? DiskDigger makes it easier than ever with a super easy-to-use and effective system. See the complete list of features to learn more.
DiskDigger is a tool for recovering lost data from various sources. If you are taking photographs and storing them on memory cards or your computer, you can use DiskDigger to recover photos from either of these locations. You may have thought that you’ve lost data forever, but thanks to the opportunities offered by technological innovations like DiskDigger, those old photos are accessible again!
Install DiskDigger Recovery App – Click here
The Common Features
Install DiskDigger Recovery App – Click Here
The Common Features
It works with Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, as well as Windows XP. Both 64-bit and 32-bit variants of Windows are supported.
Also, it works with Linux.
View recoverable files in an array, or as thumbnail previews.
Thumbnails show previews of images and album art created from WMA and MP3 files, album art from WMA files, as well as icons of executable files!
When you select a file that is recoverable, it opens an entire view for the particular file (insofar it is possible). In the case of image files it will display the image (with zoom and pan). For documents, the preview will be an only text version of the file. For some audio files it will permit you to play back the audio.
Views of JPG as well as TIFF files will display EXIF details (camera model the date, camera model as well as sensor settings etc. ).
A preview of the MP3 format display ID3 information (artist album, artist genre, etc. ).
Previews of ZIP archives will show the list of files within the archive.